Crystal McFarlane
Paradigm Boxers
Box 848
Lamont, AB T0B 2R0
(780) 895-2450
Paradigm Boxers
Click on my kennel name to find out more about us!
Shalah Nelson
Erlastyn European Boxers
Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R7
(780) 621-7941
Erlastyn European Boxers
Click on my kennel name to find out more about us!
Jean and Darwin Hayes
Eclipse Reg’d
Hubbard, SK
(306) 730-0206
Eclipse Reg’d
Click on my kennel name to find out more about us!
Cassidy Cowey
Lakehurst, ON
Bedford Kennel
(705) 559-9896
Bedford Kennel
Quality CKC Reg’d Boston Terriers and European/German Boxers of Champion lines, bred for health, temperament and companionship.
Our dogs/puppies are home-raised (in our smoke free home) and we do not have a kennel. Our puppies/dogs are well socialized with kids, cats and other dogs.
Our breeding stock is extensively health tested and our puppies are guaranteed.