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Mixed Breed Dogs

I get a lot of requests from people who want to find a breeder of the latest designer dogs: Labradoodle, Beagleman, anything ending “poo” or “oodle”.

While I am a lover of all dogs and I currently have two beloved mixed breed Mexican dogs with whom I share my life, CanaDogs is a website devoted to the interests of purebred dogs in Canada.


I have posted my position on this at the right. Please read through it.

Thank you!
                     CanaDogs maple leaf and paw: Canadian dog breeders



The Scoop on “Poos”

I often get questions from people who are trying to locate breeders of breeds such as “maltipoo”, “cockapoo”, and even “goldenpoo” and “schnoodle”. These dogs are not purebred animals. They are mixes. Generally speaking, anything that ends in “-poo”  or “oodle” is a crossbred poodle.

Let me tell you why I don’t think mixing breeds is a good idea. All dogs were bred for a specific purpose, whether it is hauling freight, driving cattle, killing vermin, or being a companion. Depending on what their original function was, they have a personality and temperament that has adapted to that function.

For example, when you buy a Doberman Pinscher puppy you can be reasonably sure that as an adult he’s going to be naturally protective of you and wary of strangers. Similarly, when you purchase a Corgi puppy, you won’t be surprised when as an adult, he may try herding the other family pets, or the kids, or even cars!

When you start mixing breeds, the resulting dog loses that element of predictability as far as its temperament goes.

Obviously, I’m not talking about individual personality traits that specific dogs may or may not have, regardless of breed such as excessive shyness, aggression, love of water, etc. When you buy a Sporting dog you know it’s probably going to demand lots of attention and be in-your-face. When you buy a Terrier – you’re getting a big dog personality in a small dog body and an animal who won’t back down from a confrontation.

With mixes, you simply don’t know what to expect. Problems with temperament and behaviour are the number one reason people end up giving up their dogs.

Another reason for not mixing breeds is health-related. Most, if not all, dog breeds have certain genetic predispositions that may make them prone to contracting various health problems. If you think you don’t need to see the vet if you buy a cross-breed, think again. Cross-breeds are no more healthy than purebreds.

In fact, Dr. George Padgett, an expert on canine genetics, confirmed that cross-breeds have the same genetic diseases as the original parent breeds. In a January 1997 article in Dog World magazine, he further stated that his files contain information on 102 genetic defects identified in mongrel dogs. This is more than double the number of genetic defects identified in the American Cocker Spaniel, for example.

When you buy a purebred, you can research which health defects you should be on guard for and ensure you purchase from a breeder who has shown that these health problems do not exist in their line. You get a written health guarantee. Again, mixing dog breeds may produce an animal with multiple health problems that may not show up until many months or many vet bills later.

Buying mixed-breed dogs also encourages the practice of backyard breeding by people who don’t know much or anything about dogs.

Many of these poor souls are kept in dreadful conditions and end up in pet stores – not a good environment for a young puppy who is often taken from its mother too soon. A puppy should be first with its mother and then with its new family – not stuck in a pet store cage. Many will end up at the SPCA.

If you are determined on a mixed breed, please rescue one of the too-many lost souls found at your local SPCA.

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